Thursday, March 26, 2009


Remember when we were kids playing a game that didn't go so well for us? Well when we were there we said "quits" and the game reset. Open your mind just a little more and read this Economy Fix. Oh!! and do spread it as far and wide as you can:)

OK, I'm not a CPA, brain surgeon, or anything like that but I do have a brain. (and like to use it) I've been thinking about this for a few years and can't see why it won't work, the simple and very basic idea is to zero out all negative standing accounts in the USA. All accounts are recorded and on one day, say one day ago, they are all set back to zero negative balance all positive are left alone. this is done for any American citizen or company including the national debt, all traces of debt get wiped clean. I've run all the ways this may not work, but because this program will include the filthy rich to the poor man who owes three months rent, nobody is left out. There will need to be some rules of course, and I have thought about a number of them that are needed to insure fair play but that's for the bean counters to come up with. If everyone isn't strapped to their debt they will buy like crazy causing a boom of economic growth including people being able to put money into retirement funds, this in turn with a deregulation of the max deposit rules will take the strain off the social security mess. There will need to be some rules for this also, so the people too dense to figure out how great it is are made aware they will be able to live better by contributing. With this lack of parasitic load on the American people we would have the extra money (temp tax?) to take care of our schools and other lacking public programs. We could really straighten up this country to make it the place it used to be in the 50s and 60s when folks were happy, moral, and helpful of their community and country. I think this type of extreme measure is needed as I sit here with the market below 8000 for the first time I can remember, we can do it too because debt is only on paper, it doesn't live or breath, it is but a number to be scratched off a ledger sheet in some book. I am bringing this to your attention because I am a nobody, even if I began preaching the word today I would be lucky if it spread to 50,000 people before this whole economy goes down the tubes. You however have connections and a national program with which to spread the idea around the country, hell the way things are around the world maybe a world debt reset is the way to go, haven't we as a country forgiven debts, haven't you and I both forgiven debt to a friend, so whats the big deal if we all do it together as a group, there will be a few that won't make out great on it but 95% happy, thankful people is good enough for me.

Now get to work and spread the news so we can get back to the good days!!!

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